
Science Project Kits

August 21, 2009

Any parent with a child who has a science project fair ahead of them knows the anguish these fairs can cause. Children can sometimes let them build up into something frightening because they believe they “can’t do” science. They may excel in every other subject but they convince themselves that science is hard and it builds from there.

Once the science project fair comes around they are in need of some simple help and reassurance. There are two ways that parents can help at this stage, they can point out how to work out whether or not a project will be a good choice and they can provide more practical help with science project kits.

Let’s take a look at the guidance first of all. Rather than telling kids what to do, encourage them to think for themselves by asking them questions which will allow them to work out what they might want to do for the fair.

They will want to consider if the project will maintain their interest long enough to see it through, if the data can be measured satisfactorily rather than being something which is very subjective and if it falls within the rules of the fair.

They should also be pointed away from trite projects such as the effects of coloured lights on plants. That is where the more practical help can come in with science project kits. These can provide excellent science projects for kids of all ages that will prove to be fun as well as being informative and educational.

Opal Science have produced one such kit that focuses on how opals are produced by nature. The kits show how heat, pressure and light apply to the project and discuss molecules and nanotechnology which is all rather more impressive, and informative, than coloured lights on plants I’m sure you will agree.


Science Kits For Kids

August 17, 2009

Kids are naturally curious and love to experiment to discover the secrets of the world around them. If you can stimulate their mind kids will very quickly become engaged in all kinds of things once their imagination is allowed to run free. A great way to get them started with their natural “outside of the box” thinking is to feed that innate curiosity by giving them a science kit.

A science kit can get almost any child involved in some very creative thinking once they discover the potential for fun. That is down to the fact that children learn in many different ways. While some of them enjoy reading about a subject others much prefer the hands-on side of the kits. The things is that not only do the kits engage more of the sense but they allow the child to learn far more than reading alone can ever do.

Once a child is allowed to handle the materials in an opal science kit, they quickly become absorbed in a world of geology and molecules, the discovery of how heat and pressure interact and even nanotechnology. Instead of being told to sit and read a book, which requires them to imagine something they may well never have seen before, the science kits bring everything to life for them. As some parts of the kit require a little time they also begin to learn patience.

One of the best parts about the kits is that they are suitable for kids of almost any age. Of course the younger children will require someone to supervise them but that allows the opportunity for doing things together, which all little kids love. The range of opal science kits means that for older children they are also suitable for science fair projects at school.


Science Kits For Children

August 15, 2009

Any parent or grandparent will tell you that children have an almost insatiable curiosity at any age. They love to make discoveries which feed that curiosity and one discovery will usually lead to even more questions. But that is of course, a good thing because an enquiring mind is a growing mind.

One area in particular that produces a huge number of questions, regardless of a child’s age, is science. It is such a vast subject covering many of the fundamentals of life of course, so it can open up in a large number of ways to a child’s questioning. There is an almost guaranteed way to keep a child’s interest (and generate even more questions!) and that is to combine science with creating things.

At Opal Science the team have put together a series of science kits for children of all age groups based around how opals are formed. The kits take scientific discovery off the written page and add in hands-on discovery which all kids love. With this combination of reading and experimenting more of the child’s senses are engaged and that helps not only in maintaining interest but in their understanding also.

There is plenty to learn as well because the kits cover how opals are formed by nature, how silica interacts with water to form first a gel then a hard mineral, light refraction is explained by the gaps between the silica spheres and even nanotechnology is touched on.

As the process can take a little time children learn how nature takes just the right amount of time to bring things together which means they also discover the need for patience.

If you want to stimulate a child’s mind and open up a world of discovery to them then science kits for children are an outstanding way of doing it.